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Dance with dreams

چهارشنبه, ۱۳ شهریور ۱۳۹۸، ۰۹:۳۱ ب.ظ

Failure was the scariest monster in my life I have tried to keep
myself far far away from him, but I have encountered that many times. In my studies, relationships, etc. Now I understand that there is no way to
escape from him. It’s hard to keep walking on the road of life when I feel a Goblin is on your shoulder, I can feel his weight, hear his voice which has paralyzed our hopes many times. 

You know, in these situations people can’t make a plan for their future, just want others to leave them, stay in bed for the whole day and wait to a better day that doesn't exist. they want to believe that everything will fine but they can't.

Honestly, the Goblin was on our shoulders from the first day of life and will stay to last. Goblin is fat now and has collected many golds.

Remember that Rome wasn't built in a day and accept that no one loses weight in one day even Goblins!!!  We shouldn’t feed him or share golds with him. So let’s forget him, have a little dance with our dreams and don’t allow that our dance mate sees the face of the devil. Take bake golds in the form of experience. Times never back but we can learn from the past.

  • موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰
  • ۹۸/۰۶/۱۳
  • ۲۳۲ نمایش
  • Vincent Valantine

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سگ سیاه افسردگی شبیه همین تصویریه که از شکست ارائه دادی.

اینجا خوب توضیحش داده.

دستت درد نکنه.
وقتی که کلیپ رو دیدم یادم اومد که قبلاً هم دیده بودمش.
اینکه گابلین رو انتخاب کردم برای این بد که گابلین‌ها به طلا و جواهرات علاقه‌ی زیادی دارند و زمان ما هم طلا هست. و گفتم که از اتفاقات گذشته درس بگیریم و در قالب تجربه ازشون استفاده کنیم. (طلاهامون رو پس بگیریم.)

تشبیهت منو یادِ سگ افسردگی انداخت که بزرگ و بزرگتر میشه و باید کنترلش کرد.

من فقط اصطلاح سگ سیاه افسردگی رو شنیدم ولی نمی‌دونم دقیقش چی هست اگه توضیح بدی ممنون می‌شم.

چه‌قدر من ُ یاد فیلم بابادوک می‌اندازه این متن.

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